About the company

"Casus fortuitus" legal advising company was founded in 2008 by r.pr Łukasz Garus (Kt 2601). The basis of its strength is mainly its Founder's experience and knowledge.

Łukasz Garus is a certified legal advisor (radca prawny - Polish for solicitor/barrister), who graduated from the best Polish law faculty - Faculty of Law and Administration on the Silesian Univeristy in Katowice, with the top grade. His deep theoretical knowledge combined with long practical experience in different areas of law was a strong preparation before taking up the professional certification course in the Katowice Chamber.

His work in the Tarnowskie Góry county office let him to learn about the practice of work in the territorial self-governance, but also deepend his knowledge about administration law and procedure - it helped in his further work in the County's Sanitary-Epidaemiological Station in Bytom.

His interest in public and local affaires triggered his political activities - he serves his second term in the Tarnowskie Góry city council. His public service - besides the satisfaction, of course - gave him the practical knowledge about self-governanvce work and public administration.

His activities before starting the "Casus fortuitus" company includ work for the bailiff in Tarnowskie Góry, two law firms in Bytom, dunniny companies in Zabrze, and spedition & construction company in nearby Wieszowa, which works on the motorway construction contracts all over Poland. All of his previous experience let him to obtain a great deal of specific practical judical knowledge about dunning, signing and conduct of commercial contracts and leasing contracts.

The "Casus fortuitus" company expands continously and thus cooperates with many proffesional certified advisors, aplicants, lawyers and other specialists as physicians, construction specialists, conveyancers and IT specialists, which helps to solve specific problems for our clients.

For now, Casus Fortuitus company co-operates with 2 more professional certified law advisor (radca prawny), 2 trainee-certified advisord (aplikant), public prucurement specialist, and a proffesional English translator.

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